2020: The Year Nobody Saw Coming
An unexpected year
It’s been a tough year. In January, none of us would have imagined that for the rest of the year, we’d be dealing with the loss of our loved ones, our jobs, and our ability to socialize with our friends and family. The world as we know it has changed. As I write this blog, I feel that we must take a moment to remember those we have lost and those who are still struggling to battle Coronavirus. We support you, we love you and we miss you every single day.
setting the course
Despite other things, 2020 was the year I was going to focus on growth. At the beginning of 2018, I decided to get serious about focusing on tabletop games, but I knew that in order to deliver the level of service that I had in mind, I wasn’t going to be able to do it alone. I wanted to build something that the industry professionals could consistently rely on to help them succeed; to offer something that goes beyond the graphic design and crowdfunding support that we have become known for, and assists our clients in turning their focus slightly inward towards their messaging, strategy, and brand.
Danni Loe
Marketing Professional, Gamer, Creative Thinker.
My approach was pretty simple; build a small team of crazy-talented people and deliver killer creatives that support our clients’ businesses while allowing them to focus on what they do best; making awesome games. Luckily, in 2019, my path crossed with two such individuals: Danni Loe and Kris Aubin.
This past year, Danni used her black belt in marketing to level-up our social media presence and help with Matt Paquette co.’s corporate messaging and brand. While her time with us was brief, what she accomplished will most definitely have a lasting impact.
Kris is an extremely talented graphic designer right here in Ottawa (well, Carleton Place). Over the past year, Kris and I have worked hand-in-hand on some fantastic projects. We collaborate so well together that Kris has become one of the family, a much-valued part of the Matt Paquette co. team.
We continue to move forward, building the perfect team and can’t wait to forge many new relationships along the way.
rogues gallery
As topsy-turvy as 2020 has been, what astonishes us most is the sheer amount of work we were able to accomplish. We are incredibly thankful to all of our clients for choosing to continue to work with us on project after project. Here’s a selection of our projects that were released in 2020.
Looking ahead
As we flip the calendar to 2021, we find ourselves collaborating on some of the coolest projects in the industry and can hardly wait to share them with you just as soon as we can! We’re working with some fantastic publishers on some truly amazing games. Keep your eyes open for:
These are just some of our current projects. Throughout 2021, we’ll have news about many other exciting projects that we’ll be sharing as they happen!
We eagerly anticipate what 2021 has in store for Matt Paquette co. and look forward to taking those steps forward with our clients, partners, friends, and colleagues. Happy New Year.
Be well and stay safe out there.